
Module for creating a map of the Salt Lake Valley.


This module was more or less useable until I moved it to the lair package, now it is not. I will need to update the imports and paths to get it working again.

lair.valley.BOUNDS = (-112.25, 40.4, -111.62, 40.95)#

Salt Lake Valley bounding box [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax]

class lair.valley.SaltLake(bounds=(-112.25, 40.4, -111.62, 40.95), ax=None, crs=None, figsize=(6, 6), tiler=None, tiler_zoom=9, Inventory=False, Inventory_cmap=None, census=False, background_alpha=0.3, state_borders=False, county_borders=False, interstates=False, TRAX=False, UUCON=False, MesoWest=False, Meso_status='active', Meso_networks=['UUNET'], radiosonde=False, helicopter=False, DAQ=False, scale_bar=False, north_arrow=False, legend=True, legend_kws=None, legend_mapper=None, extent_map=False, latlon_ticks=True, more_lon_ticks=1, more_lat_ticks=0)[source]#

Salt Lake Valley map class.


add_tiler(tiler, tiler_zoom)

Add a tiler background to the map.

add_Inventory(Inventory, alpha)

Add an inventory to the map.

add_census(census, alpha)

Add census data to the map.


Add state or county borders to the map.


Add interstate highways to the map.


Add TRAX lines to the map.


Add UUCON sites to the map.

add_MesoWest(status, networks)

Add MesoWest stations to the map.


Add a north arrow to the map.

add_legend(legend_kws, legend_mapper)

Add a legend to the map.


Add an extent map to the map.

__init__(bounds=(-112.25, 40.4, -111.62, 40.95), ax=None, crs=None, figsize=(6, 6), tiler=None, tiler_zoom=9, Inventory=False, Inventory_cmap=None, census=False, background_alpha=0.3, state_borders=False, county_borders=False, interstates=False, TRAX=False, UUCON=False, MesoWest=False, Meso_status='active', Meso_networks=['UUNET'], radiosonde=False, helicopter=False, DAQ=False, scale_bar=False, north_arrow=False, legend=True, legend_kws=None, legend_mapper=None, extent_map=False, latlon_ticks=True, more_lon_ticks=1, more_lat_ticks=0)[source]#