Lin Group#
John Lin group - UUCON, TRAX, etc.
This module contains classes and functions for working with the Lin group data in the CHPC UATAQ filesystem.
Module Attributes
Directory for Lin group measurements. |
Directory for Lin group data. |
Data configuration. |
Lin to UATAQ column mapping |
A class for parsing AirTrend data files. |
A class for parsing LGR UGGA data files. |
A class for parsing Lin data files. |
A class representing the Lin group space in the CHPC UATAQ filesystem. |
- lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.MEASUREMENTS_DIR: str = '/uufs/'#
Directory for Lin group measurements.
- lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.DATA_DIR: str = '/uufs/'#
Directory for Lin group data.
- lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.DATA_CONFIG: dict = {'2b_205': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'o3_ppb', 't_c', 'p_hpa', 'flow_ccpm'], 'col_types': 'Tdddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'O3_ppb'], 'col_types': 'Td'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'O3_ppb', 'Cavity_T_C', 'Cavity_P_hPa', 'Flow_CCmin', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddd'}}, 'gps': {'air_trend_gpgga': {'col_names': ['time', 'inst_time', 'latitude_dm', 'n_s', 'longitude_dm', 'e_w', 'fix_quality', 'n_sat', 'altitude_amsl'], 'col_types': 'Tcdcdcddd'}, 'air_trend_gprmc': {'col_names': ['time', 'inst_time', 'status', 'latitude_dm', 'n_s', 'longitude_dm', 'e_w', 'speed_kt', 'true_course', 'inst_date'], 'col_types': 'Tccdcdcddc'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'Pi_Time', 'Latitude_deg', 'Longitude_deg', 'Altitude_msl', 'Speed_m_s', 'Course_deg'], 'col_types': 'TTddddd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'Pi_Time', 'Latitude_deg', 'Longitude_deg', 'Altitude_msl', 'Speed_m_s', 'Course_deg', 'N_Sat', 'Fix_Quality', 'Status', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'TTddddddd'}}, 'lgr_no2': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'inst_time', 'Relative_Time_s', 'NO2_ppb', 'NO2_ppb_SE', 'Pressure_torr', 'Temperature_C', 'LED_T_V', 'Instrument_T_C', 'Tau_s', 'BG_Subtracted_Tau_s', 'Tau_SE_s', 'Loss_ppm_cm-1', 'BG_Subtracted_Loss_ppm_cm-1', 'Loss_SE_ppm_cm-1', 'Num_Good_Fits', 'Fit_Amplitude_V', 'Fit_Amplitude_SE_V', 'Fit_Offset_V', 'Fit_Offset_SE_V', 'Valve_Number', 'Valve_Description', 'Collection_State', 'Checksum'], 'col_types': 'TTdddddddddddddddddddccc'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'NO2_ppb'], 'col_types': 'Td'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'NO2_ppb', 'NO2_ppb_se', 'Cavity_P_torr', 'Cavity_T_C', 'LED_T_V', 'Instrument_T_C', 'Tau_s', 'BG_Subtracted_Tau_s', 'Tau_SE_s', 'Loss_ppm_cm-1', 'BG_Subtracted_Loss_ppm_cm-1', 'Loss_SE_ppm_cm-1', 'Num_Good_Fits', 'Fit_Amplitude_V', 'Fit_Amplitude_SE_V', 'Fit_Offset_V', 'Fit_Offset_SE_V', 'ID', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddddddddddddd'}}, 'lgr_ugga': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'CH4_ppm', 'CH4_ppm_sd', 'H2O_ppm', 'H2O_ppm_sd', 'CO2_ppm', 'CO2_ppm_sd', 'CH4d_ppm', 'CH4d_ppm_sd', 'CO2d_ppm', 'CO2d_ppm_sd', 'GasP_torr', 'GasP_torr_sd', 'GasT_C', 'GasT_C_sd', 'AmbT_C', 'AmbT_C_sd', 'RD0_us', 'RD0_us_sd', 'RD1_us', 'RD1_us_sd', 'Fit_Flag', 'ID'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddddddddddc'}, 'calibrated': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO2d_ppm_cal', 'CO2d_ppm_raw', 'CO2d_m', 'CO2d_b', 'CO2d_n', 'CO2d_rsq', 'CO2d_rmse', 'ID_CO2', 'CH4d_ppm_cal', 'CH4d_ppm_raw', 'CH4d_m', 'CH4d_b', 'CH4d_n', 'CH4d_rsq', 'CH4d_rmse', 'ID_CH4', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddddddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO2d_ppm_cal', 'CO2d_ppm_raw', 'CH4d_ppm_cal', 'CH4d_ppm_raw'], 'col_types': 'Tdddd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CH4_ppm', 'CH4_ppm_sd', 'H2O_ppm', 'H2O_ppm_sd', 'CO2_ppm', 'CO2_ppm_sd', 'CH4d_ppm', 'CH4d_ppm_sd', 'CO2d_ppm', 'CO2d_ppm_sd', 'Cavity_P_torr', 'Cavity_P_torr_sd', 'Cavity_T_C', 'Cavity_T_C_sd', 'Ambient_T_C', 'Ambient_T_C_sd', 'RD0_us', 'RD0_us_sd', 'RD1_us', 'RD1_us_sd', 'Fit_Flag', 'ID', 'ID_CO2', 'ID_CH4', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddddddddddcddd'}, 'raw': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CH4_ppm', 'CH4_ppm_sd', 'H2O_ppm', 'H2O_ppm_sd', 'CO2_ppm', 'CO2_ppm_sd', 'CH4d_ppm', 'CH4d_ppm_sd', 'CO2d_ppm', 'CO2d_ppm_sd', 'GasP_torr', 'GasP_torr_sd', 'GasT_C', 'GasT_C_sd', 'AmbT_C', 'AmbT_C_sd', 'RD0_us', 'RD0_us_sd', 'RD1_us', 'RD1_us_sd', 'Fit_Flag', 'ID'], 'col_types': 'cdddddddddddddddddddddc'}}, 'licor_6262': {'calibrated': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO2d_ppm_cal', 'CO2d_ppm_raw', 'CO2d_m', 'CO2d_b', 'CO2d_n', 'CO2d_rsq', 'CO2d_rmse', 'ID_CO2', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO2d_ppm_cal', 'CO2d_ppm_raw'], 'col_types': 'Tdd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'Battery_Voltage_V', 'Panel_T_C', 'Ambient_T_C', 'Cavity_T_C_IRGA', 'Cavity_P_kPa_IRGA', 'Flow_mLmin', 'Cavity_P_mV', 'Cavity_RH_mV', 'Cavity_T_C', 'CO2_Analog_ppm', 'CO2_ppm', 'H2O_ppth_IRGA', 'ID', 'Program', 'ID_CO2', 'Cavity_RH_pct', 'Cavity_P_Pa', 'H2O_ppm', 'CO2d_ppm', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddcdddddd'}, 'raw': {'col_names': ['TIMESTAMP', 'RECORD', 'Year', 'jDay', 'HH', 'MM', 'SS', 'batt_volt_Min', 'PTemp_Avg', 'Room_T_Avg', 'IRGA_T_Avg', 'IRGA_P_Avg', 'MF_Controller_mLmin_Avg', 'PressureVolt_Avg', 'RH_voltage_Avg', 'Gas_T_Avg', 'rawCO2_Voltage_Avg', 'rawCO2_Avg', 'rawH2O_Avg', 'ID', 'Program'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddddddddc'}}, 'licor_7000': {'calibrated': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO2d_ppm_cal', 'CO2d_ppm_raw', 'CO2d_m', 'CO2d_b', 'CO2d_n', 'CO2d_rsq', 'CO2d_rmse', 'ID_CO2', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO2d_ppm_cal', 'CO2d_ppm_raw'], 'col_types': 'Tdd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'Battery_Voltage_V', 'Panel_T_C', 'Cavity_T_C_IRGA', 'Cavity_P_kPa_IRGA', 'Flow_mLmin', 'Cavity_P_mV', 'Cavity_RH_mV', 'Cavity_T_C', 'CO2_ppm', 'H2O_ppth_IRGA', 'ID', 'Program', 'ID_CO2', 'Cavity_RH_pct', 'Cavity_P_Pa', 'H2O_ppm', 'CO2d_ppm', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddcdddddd'}, 'raw': {'col_names': ['TIMESTAMP', 'RECORD', 'Year', 'jDay', 'HH', 'MM', 'SS', 'batt_volt_Min', 'PTemp_Avg', 'IRGA_T_Avg', 'IRGA_P_Avg', 'MF_Controller_mLmin_Avg', 'PressureVolt_Avg', 'RH_voltage_Avg', 'Gas_T_Avg', 'rawCO2_Avg', 'rawH2O_Avg', 'ID', 'Program'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddddddddc'}}, 'magee_ae33': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'bc1_ngm3', 'bc2_ngm3', 'bc3_ngm3', 'bc4_ngm3', 'bc5_ngm3', 'bc6_ngm3', 'bc7_ngm3', 'flow_lpm'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'BC1_ngm3', 'BC2_ngm3', 'BC3_ngm3', 'BC4_ngm3', 'BC5_ngm3', 'BC6_ngm3', 'BC7_ngm3'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'BC1_ngm3', 'BC2_ngm3', 'BC3_ngm3', 'BC4_ngm3', 'BC5_ngm3', 'BC6_ngm3', 'BC7_ngm3', 'Flow_Lmin', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddd'}}, 'met': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'case_t_c', 'case_rh_pct', 'case_t2_c', 'case_p_hpa', 'amb_t_c', 'amb_rh_pct', 'box_t_c'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'Case_T_C', 'Case_RH_pct', 'Case_T2_C', 'Case_P_hPa', 'Ambient_T_C', 'Ambient_RH_pct', 'Box_T_C'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddd'}}, 'metone_es642': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'pm25_mgm3', 'flow_lpm', 't_c', 'rh_pct', 'pres_hpa', 'status', 'checksum'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddc'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'PM2.5_ugm3', 'Ambient_T_C', 'Ambient_P_hPa'], 'col_types': 'Tddd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'PM2.5_ugm3', 'Flow_Lmin', 'Ambient_T_C', 'Cavity_RH_pct', 'Ambient_P_hPa', 'Status', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddd'}, 'raw': {'col_names': ['TIMESTAMP', 'RECORD', 'batt_volt_Min', 'PTemp_Avg', 'PM_25_Avg', 'Flow_Avg', 'Temp_Avg', 'RH_Avg', 'BP_Avg', 'Program'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddc'}}, 'teledyne_t200': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'nox_std_ppb', 'flow_ccm', 'o3_flow_ccm', 'pmt_mv', 'pmt_norm_mv', 'azero_mv', 'hvps_v', 'rcell_t_c', 'box_t_c', 'pmt_t_c', 'moly_t_c', 'rcel_pres_inhga', 'samp_pres_inhga', 'nox_slope', 'nox_offset_mv', 'no_slope', 'no_offset_mv', 'no2_ppb', 'nox_ppb', 'no_ppb', 'test_mv'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddddddddddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'NO_ppb', 'NO2_ppb', 'NOx_ppb'], 'col_types': 'Tddd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'NOx_ppb_std', 'Flow_CCmin', 'O3_Flow_CCmin', 'PMT_mV', 'PMT_Norm_mV', 'Azero_mV', 'HVPS_V', 'RCel_T_C', 'Box_T_C', 'PMT_T_C', 'Moly_T_C', 'RCel_Pres_inHgA', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA', 'NOx_Slope', 'NOx_Offset_mV', 'NO_Slope', 'NO_Offset_mV', 'NO2_ppb', 'NOx_ppb', 'NO_ppb', 'Test_mV', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddddddddddd'}}, 'teledyne_t300': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'co_std_ppb', 'co_meas_mv', 'co_ref_mv', 'mr_ratio', 'samp_pres_inhga', 'flow_ccm', 'samp_t_c', 'bench_t_c', 'wheel_t_c', 'box_t_c', 'pht_drive_mv', 'slope', 'slope1', 'slope2', 'offset', 'offset1', 'offset2', 'co_ppb', 'test_mv'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddddddddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO_ppb'], 'col_types': 'Td'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'CO_std_ppb', 'CO_Meas_mV', 'CO_Ref_mV', 'MR_Ratio', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA', 'Flow_CCmin', 'Samp_T_C', 'Bench_T_C', 'Wheel_T_C', 'Box_T_C', 'PHT_Drive_mV', 'Slope', 'Slope1', 'Slope2', 'Offset', 'Offset1', 'Offset2', 'CO_ppb', 'Test_mV', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddddddddd'}}, 'teledyne_t400': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'o3_std_ppb', 'o3_meas_mv', 'o3_ref_mv', 'o3_gen_mv', 'o3_drive_mv', 'photo_power_mv', 'samp_pres_inhga', 'flow_ccm', 'samp_t_c', 'photo_lamp_t_c', 'o3_scrub_t_c', 'o3_gen_t_c', 'box_t_c', 'slope', 'offset', 'o3_ppb', 'test_mv'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddddddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'O3_ppb'], 'col_types': 'Td'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'O3_std_ppb', 'O3_Meas_mV', 'O3_Ref_mV', 'O3_Gen_mV', 'O3_Drive_mV', 'Photo_Power_mV', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA', 'Flow_CCmin', 'Samp_T_C', 'Photo_Lamp_T_C', 'O3_Scrub_T_C', 'O3_Gen_T_C', 'Box_T_C', 'Slope', 'Offset', 'O3_ppb', 'Test_mV', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddddddd'}}, 'teledyne_t500u': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'phase_t_c', 'bench_phase_s', 'meas_l_mm', 'aref_l_mm', 'samp_pres_inhga', 'samp_temp_c', 'bench_t_c', 'box_t_c', 'no2_slope', 'no2_offset_mv', 'no2_ppb', 'no2_std_ppb', 'mf_t_c', 'test_mv'], 'col_types': 'Tdddddddddddddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'NO2_ppb'], 'col_types': 'Td'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'Phase_T_C', 'Bench_Phase_s', 'Meas_L_mm', 'ARef_L_mm', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA', 'Samp_T_C', 'Bench_T_C', 'Box_T_C', 'NO2_Slope', 'NO2_Offset_mV', 'NO2_ppb', 'NO2_std_ppb', 'MF_T_C', 'Test_mV', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tddddddddddddddd'}}, 'teom_1400ab': {'air_trend': {'col_names': ['time', 'pm25_ugm3', 'pm25_ugm3_30min', 'pm25_ugm3_1hr'], 'col_types': 'Tddd'}, 'final': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'PM2.5_ugm3', 'PM2.5_ugm3_30min', 'PM2.5_ugm3_1hr'], 'col_types': 'Tddd'}, 'qaqc': {'col_names': ['Time_UTC', 'PM2.5_ugm3', 'PM2.5_ugm3_30min', 'PM2.5_ugm3_1hr', 'QAQC_Flag'], 'col_types': 'Tdddd'}}}#
Data configuration.
- lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.column_mapping: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {'2b_205': {'Cavity_P_hPa': 'Internal_P_hPa', 'Cavity_T_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'Flow_CCmin': 'Flow_mLpm', 'flow_ccpm': 'Flow_mLpm', 'o3_ppb': 'O3_ppb', 'p_hpa': 'Internal_P_hPa', 't_c': 'Internal_T_C'}, 'gps': {'N_Sat': 'N_Satellites', 'altitude_amsl': 'Altitude_msl', 'fix_quality': 'Fix_Quality', 'inst_date': 'Instrument_Date', 'inst_time': 'Instrument_Time', 'n_sat': 'N_Satellites', 'speed_kt': 'Speed_kt', 'status': 'Status', 'true_course': 'True_Course'}, 'lgr_no2': {'Cavity_P_torr': 'Internal_P_torr', 'Pressure_torr': 'Internal_P_torr', 'inst_time': 'Instrument_Time'}, 'lgr_ugga': {'AmbT_C': 'Ambient_T_C', 'AmbT_C_sd': 'Ambient_T_C_sd', 'Cavity_P_torr': 'Internal_P_torr', 'Cavity_P_torr_sd': 'Internal_P_torr_sd', 'Cavity_T_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'Cavity_T_C_sd': 'Internal_T_C_sd', 'GasP_torr': 'Internal_P_torr', 'GasP_torr_sd': 'Internal_P_torr_sd', 'GasT_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'GasT_C_sd': 'Internal_T_C_sd', 'RD0_us': 'RingDown0_us', 'RD0_us_sd': 'RingDown0_us_sd', 'RD1_us': 'RingDown1_us', 'RD1_us_sd': 'RingDown1_us_sd'}, 'licor_6262': {'CO2_Analog_ppm': 'Analog_CO2_ppm', 'Cavity_P_Pa': 'Analog_Internal_P_Pa', 'Cavity_P_kPa_IRGA': 'Internal_P_kPa', 'Cavity_P_mV': 'Internal_P_mV', 'Cavity_RH_mV': 'Internal_RH_mV', 'Cavity_RH_pct': 'Internal_RH_pct', 'Cavity_T_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'Cavity_T_C_IRGA': 'Instrument_T_C', 'Flow_mLmin': 'Flow_mLpm', 'Gas_T_Avg': 'Internal_T_C', 'H2O_ppth_IRGA': 'Analog_H2O_ppm', 'IRGA_P_Avg': 'Internal_P_kPa', 'IRGA_T_Avg': 'Instrument_T_C', 'MF_Controller_mLmin_Avg': 'Flow_mLpm', 'PTemp_Avg': 'Logger_T_C', 'Panel_T_C': 'Logger_T_C', 'PressureVolt_Avg': 'Internal_P_mV', 'RECORD': 'Record', 'RH_voltage_Avg': 'Internal_RH_mV', 'Room_T_Avg': 'Ambient_T_C', 'batt_volt_Min': 'Battery_Voltage_V', 'rawCO2_Avg': 'CO2_ppm', 'rawCO2_Voltage_Avg': 'Analog_CO2_ppm', 'rawH2O_Avg': 'Analog_H2O_ppm'}, 'licor_7000': {'CO2_Analog_ppm': 'Analog_CO2_ppm', 'Cavity_P_Pa': 'Analog_Internal_P_Pa', 'Cavity_P_kPa_IRGA': 'Internal_P_kPa', 'Cavity_P_mV': 'Internal_P_mV', 'Cavity_RH_mV': 'Internal_RH_mV', 'Cavity_RH_pct': 'Internal_RH_pct', 'Cavity_T_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'Cavity_T_C_IRGA': 'Instrument_T_C', 'Flow_mLmin': 'Flow_mLpm', 'Gas_T_Avg': 'Internal_T_C', 'H2O_ppth_IRGA': 'Analog_H2O_ppm', 'IRGA_P_Avg': 'Internal_P_kPa', 'IRGA_T_Avg': 'Instrument_T_C', 'MF_Controller_mLmin_Avg': 'Flow_mLpm', 'PTemp_Avg': 'Logger_T_C', 'Panel_T_C': 'Logger_T_C', 'PressureVolt_Avg': 'Internal_P_mV', 'RECORD': 'Record', 'RH_voltage_Avg': 'Internal_RH_mV', 'Room_T_Avg': 'Ambient_T_C', 'batt_volt_Min': 'Battery_Voltage_V', 'rawCO2_Avg': 'CO2_ppm', 'rawCO2_Voltage_Avg': 'Analog_CO2_ppm', 'rawH2O_Avg': 'Analog_H2O_ppm'}, 'magee_ae33': {'Flow_Lmin': 'Flow_Lpm', 'bc1_ngm3': 'BC1_ngm3', 'bc2_ngm3': 'BC2_ngm3', 'bc3_ngm3': 'BC3_ngm3', 'bc4_ngm3': 'BC4_ngm3', 'bc5_ngm3': 'BC5_ngm3', 'bc6_ngm3': 'BC6_ngm3', 'bc7_ngm3': 'BC7_ngm3', 'flow_lpm': 'Flow_Lpm'}, 'metone_es642': {'BP_Avg': 'Ambient_P_hPa', 'Cavity_RH_pct': 'Internal_RH_pct', 'Flow_Avg': 'Flow_Lpm', 'Flow_Lmin': 'Flow_Lpm', 'PM_25_Avg': 'PM2.5_ugm3', 'PTemp_Avg': 'Logger_T_C', 'RECORD': 'Record', 'RH_Avg': 'Internal_RH_pct', 'Temp_Avg': 'Ambient_T_C', 'batt_volt_Min': 'Battery_Voltage_V', 'checksum': 'Checksum', 'flow_lpm': 'Flow_Lpm', 'pm25_mgm3': 'PM2.5_mgm3', 'pres_hpa': 'Ambient_P_hPa', 'rh_pct': 'Internal_RH_pct', 'status': 'Status', 't_c': 'Ambient_T_C'}, 'teledyne_t200': {'Box_T_C': 'Instrument_T_C', 'Flow_CCmin': 'Flow_mLpm', 'O3_Flow_CCmin': 'O3_Flow_mLpm', 'RCel_Pres_inHgA': 'RCell_P_inHgA', 'RCel_T_C': 'RCell_T_C', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'azero_mv': 'Azero_mV', 'box_t_c': 'Instrument_T_C', 'flow_ccm': 'Flow_mLpm', 'hvps_v': 'HVPS_V', 'moly_t_c': 'Moly_T_C', 'no2_ppb': 'NO2_ppb', 'no_offset_mv': 'NO_Offset_mV', 'no_ppb': 'NO_ppb', 'no_slope': 'NO_Slope', 'nox_offset_mv': 'NOx_Offset_mV', 'nox_ppb': 'NOx_ppb', 'nox_slope': 'NOx_Slope', 'nox_std_ppb': 'NOx_ppb_std', 'o3_flow_ccm': 'O3_Flow_mLpm', 'pmt_mv': 'PMT_mV', 'pmt_norm_mv': 'PMT_Norm_mV', 'pmt_t_c': 'PMT_T_C', 'rcel_pres_inhga': 'RCell_P_inHgA', 'rcell_t_c': 'RCell_T_C', 'samp_pres_inhga': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'test_mv': 'Test_mV'}, 'teledyne_t300': {'CO_std_ppb': 'CO_ppb_std', 'Flow_CCmin': 'Flow_mLpm', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'Samp_T_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'bench_t_c': 'Bench_T_C', 'co_meas_mv': 'CO_Meas_mV', 'co_ppb': 'CO_ppb', 'co_ref_mv': 'CO_Ref_mV', 'co_std_ppb': 'CO_ppb_std', 'flow_ccm': 'Flow_mLpm', 'mr_ratio': 'MR_Ratio', 'offset': 'Offset', 'offset1': 'Offset1', 'offset2': 'Offset2', 'pht_drive_mv': 'PHT_Drive_mV', 'samp_pres_inhga': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'samp_t_c': 'Internal_T_C', 'slope': 'Slope', 'slope1': 'Slope1', 'slope2': 'Slope2', 'test_mv': 'Test_mV', 'wheel_t_c': 'Wheel_T_C'}, 'teledyne_t400': {'Box_T_C': 'Instrument_T_C', 'Flow_CCmin': 'Flow_mLpm', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'Samp_T_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'box_t_c': 'Instrument_T_C', 'flow_ccm': 'Flow_mLpm', 'o3_drive_mv': 'O3_Drive_mV', 'o3_gen_mv': 'O3_Gen_mV', 'o3_gen_t_c': 'O3_Gen_T_C', 'o3_meas_mv': 'O3_Meas_mV', 'o3_ppb': 'O3_ppb', 'o3_ref_mv': 'O3_Ref_mV', 'o3_scrub_t_c': 'O3_Scrub_T_C', 'o3_std_ppb': 'O3_ppb_std', 'offset': 'Offset', 'photo_lamp_t_c': 'Photo_Lamp_T_C', 'photo_power_mv': 'Photo_Power_mV', 'samp_pres_inhga': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'samp_t_c': 'Internal_T_C', 'slope': 'Slope', 'test_mv': 'Test_mV'}, 'teledyne_t500u': {'ARef_L_mm': 'ARef_Loss_Mm', 'Box_T_C': 'Instrument_T_C', 'Meas_L_mm': 'Measure_Loss_Mm', 'NO2_std_ppb': 'NO2_ppb_std', 'Samp_Pres_inHgA': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'Samp_Temp_C': 'Internal_T_C', 'aref_l_mm': 'ARef_Loss_Mm', 'bench_phase_s': 'Bench_Phase_s', 'bench_t_c': 'Bench_T_C', 'box_t_c': 'Instrument_T_C', 'meas_l_mm': 'Measure_Loss_Mm', 'no2_offset_mv': 'NO2_Offset_mV', 'no2_ppb': 'NO2_ppb', 'no2_slope': 'NO2_Slope', 'no2_std_ppb': 'NO2_ppb_std', 'phase_t_c': 'Phase_T_C', 'samp_pres_inhga': 'Internal_P_inHgA', 'samp_temp_c': 'Internal_T_C', 'test_mv': 'Test_mV'}, 'teom_1400ab': {'pm25_ugm3': 'PM2.5_ugm3', 'pm25_ugm3_1hr': 'PM2.5_ugm3_1hr', 'pm25_ugm3_30min': 'PM2.5_ugm3_30min'}}#
Lin to UATAQ column mapping
- class lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.LinDatFile(path: str)[source]#
A class for parsing Lin data files.
(str) The file path.
(pd.Period) The period of the data file.
(str) The logger name.
(slice) A slice object for extracting the date from the file name.
(str) The file frequency.
(str) The file extension.
Parse the data file.
- class lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.LGR_UGGA_File(path: str)[source]#
A class for parsing LGR UGGA data files.
(str) The file path.
(pd.Period) The period of the data file.
(str) The logger name.
(slice) A slice object for extracting the date from the file name.
(str) The file frequency.
(str) The file extension.
Get meta data from UGGA file.
Get serial number of UGGA from file.
get_files(SID, instrument=’lgr_ugga’, lvl=’raw’)
Get list of UGGA files for a given site.
Parse files transferred directly from LGR software.
- __init__(path: str)[source]#
Initialize the DataFile object. Determines the period of the data file from the file name.
- Parameters:
- pathstr
The file path.
- static get_meta(path) dict[str, str] [source]#
Get meta data from UGGA file
- Parameters:
- pathstr
The path to the UGGA file.
- Returns:
- dict[str, str]
A dictionary containing the meta data.
- static get_serial(path) str [source]#
Get serial number of UGGA from file.
- Parameters:
- pathstr
The path to the UGGA file.
- Returns:
- str
The serial number.
- static get_files(SID: str, instrument: str = 'lgr_ugga', lvl: str = 'raw') List[str] [source]#
Get list of UGGA files for a given site.
- Parameters:
- SIDstr
The site ID.
- instrumentstr
The instrument name. Defaults to ‘lgr_ugga’.
- lvlstr
The data level. Defaults to ‘raw’.
- Returns:
- list[str]
A list of file paths.
- class lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.AirTrendFile(path: str)[source]#
A class for parsing AirTrend data files.
(str) The file path.
(pd.Period) The period of the data file.
(str) The logger name.
(slice) A slice object for extracting the date from the file name.
(str) The file frequency.
(str) The file extension.
(dict) The data configuration.
Parse the data file.
- class lair.uataq.filesystem.groupspaces.lin.LinGroup[source]#
A class representing the Lin group space in the CHPC UATAQ filesystem.
(str) The group name.
(dict[str, Type[DataFile]]) A dictionary mapping datafile keys to DataFile classes.
(str) The path to the data directory.
(dict) The data configuration.
get_highest_lvl(SID, instrument)
Get the highest level of data for a given site and instrument.
data_path(SID, instrument, lvl)
Get the path to the data directory for a given site, instrument, and level.
get_files(SID, instrument, lvl, logger)
Get list of file paths for a given site, instrument, and level.
get_datafile_key(instrument, lvl, logger)
Get the datafile key based on the instrument, level, and logger.
get_datafiles(SID, instrument, lvl, logger, time_range, pattern)
Get list of data files for a given level and time range.
- static get_highest_lvl(SID: str, instrument: str) str [source]#
Get the highest data level for a given site and instrument.
- Parameters:
- SIDstr
The site ID.
- instrumentstr
The instrument name.
- Returns:
- str
The highest data level.
- static data_path(SID, instrument, lvl) str [source]#
Get the path to the data directory for a given site, instrument, and level.
- Parameters:
- SIDstr
The site ID.
- instrumentstr
The instrument name.
- lvlstr
The data level.
- Returns:
- str
The path to the data directory.
- get_files(SID: str, instrument: str, lvl: str, logger: str = 'campbellsci') List[str] [source]#
Get list of file paths for a given site, instrument, and level.
- Parameters:
- SIDstr
The site ID.
- instrumentstr
The instrument name.
- lvlstr
The data level.
- loggerstr
The logger name.
- Returns
- list[str]
A list of file paths.
- get_datafile_key(instrument: str, lvl: str, logger: str) str [source]#
Get the datafile key based on the instrument, level, and logger.
- Parameters:
- instrumentstr
The instrument name.
- lvlstr
The data level.
- loggerstr
The logger name.
- Returns:
- str
The datafile key.
- get_datafiles(SID: str, instrument: str, lvl: str, logger: str, time_range: TimeRange, pattern: str | None = None) List[DataFile] [source]#
Returns a list of data files for a given level and time range.
- Parameters:
- SIDstr
The site ID.
- instrumentstr
The instrument name.
- lvlstr
The data level.
- loggerstr
The logger name.
- time_rangeTimeRange
The time range to filter by.
- patternstr, optional
A string pattern to filter the file paths. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- list[DataFile]
A list of DataFile objects.
- static standardize_data(instrument: str, data: DataFrame) DataFrame [source]#
Manipulate the data to a standard format between research groups, renaming columns, converting units, mapping values, etc. as needed.
- Parameters:
- instrumentstr
The instrument model.
- datapd.DataFrame
The data to standardize.
- Returns:
- pd.DataFrame
The standardized data.