This module provides utility functions for plotting data.
Generate matplotlib colormap from NCL color table. |
Create a polar axis with North at the top. |
Plot the diurnal cycle of data. |
Format radial axis of polar plot. |
Format ticks to log 10 format with deci number of decimals. |
Plot the contoured frequency of the data. |
Plot polar contour of data. |
Plot the seasonal cycle of data by year. |
Matplotlib terrain cmap. |
Truncate matplotlib colormaps using min and max vals from 0 to 1, and then linearly build a new colormap |
Plot wind vectors. |
Custom Handler for LineCollection instances. |
- lair.utils.plotter.log10formatter(x, pos, deci=0) str [source]#
Format ticks to log 10 format with deci number of decimals.
- Parameters:
- xfloat
Tick value.
- deciint, optional
Number of decimals to display. Defaults to 0.
- Returns:
- str
Formatted tick label.
>>> from functools import partial >>> import numpy as np >>> data: xr.DataArray # some data, in this case, 3D (time, lat, lon) >>> np.log10(data).plot(cbar_kwargs={'format': partial(log10formatter, deci=2)})
- lair.utils.plotter.truncate_colormap(cmap: str | Colormap, minval: float = 0.0, maxval: float = 1.0, n: int = 100) LinearSegmentedColormap [source]#
Truncate matplotlib colormaps using min and max vals from 0 to 1, and then linearly build a new colormap
- Parameters:
- cmapstr | matplotlib.colors.Colormap
Colormap to be truncated.
- minvalfloat, optional
Minimum value to truncate the colormap. Defaults to 0.0.
- maxvalfloat, optional
Maximum value to truncate the colormap. Defaults to 1.0.
- nint, optional
Number of colors in the new colormap. Defaults to 100.
- Returns:
- matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap
Truncated colormap.
- lair.utils.plotter.NCL_cmap(table_name: str) LinearSegmentedColormap [source]#
Generate matplotlib colormap from NCL color table.
- Parameters:
- table_namestr
- Returns:
- matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap
matplotlib colormap from NCL color table.
- lair.utils.plotter.terrain_cmap(minval: float = 0.42, maxval: float = 1.0, n: int = 256) LinearSegmentedColormap [source]#
Matplotlib terrain cmap.
- Parameters:
- minvalfloat, optional
Minimum value to truncate the colormap. Defaults to 0.42.
- maxvalfloat, optional
Maximum value to truncate the colormap. Defaults to 1.0.
- nint, optional
Number of colors in the new colormap. Defaults to 256.
- Returns:
- matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap
Matplotlib terrain colormap.
- lair.utils.plotter.diurnalPlot(data: DataFrame, param: str, stats: str | list[str] = ['std', 'median', 'mean'], units: str | None = None, tz: str = 'UTC', freq: str = '1H', ax: Axes | None = None, colors: str | dict[str, str] = {'mean': 'black', 'median': 'blue', 'std': 'gray'}, min_count: int = 0) Axes [source]#
Plot the diurnal cycle of data.
- Parameters:
- datapd.DataFrame
Data to plot.
- paramstr
Parameter to plot.
- statsstr | list[str], optional
Statistics to plot. Defaults to [‘std’, ‘median’, ‘mean’].
- unitsstr | None, optional
Units of the parameter for the ylabel. Defaults to None.
- tzstr, optional
Timezone of the data. Defaults to ‘UTC’.
- freqstr, optional
Frequency of the data. Defaults to ‘1H’.
- axplt.Axes | None, optional
Axis to plot on. Defaults to None.
- colorsstr | dict[str, str], optional
Colors of the statistics. Defaults to {‘mean’: ‘black’, ‘median’: ‘blue’, ‘std’: ‘gray’}.
- min_countint, optional
Minimum count to plot. Defaults to 0.
- Returns:
- plt.Axes
Axis with the plot
- lair.utils.plotter.seasonalPlot(data: DataFrame, param: str = 'CH4', units: str = 'ppm', ax: Axes | None = None) Axes [source]#
Plot the seasonal cycle of data by year.
- Parameters:
- datapd.DataFrame
Data to plot.
- paramstr, optional
Parameter to plot. Defaults to ‘CH4’.
- unitsstr, optional
Units of the parameter for the ylabel. Defaults to ‘ppm’.
- axplt.Axes | None, optional
Axis to plot on. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- plt.Axes
Axis with the plot
- lair.utils.plotter.create_polar_ax() Axes [source]#
Create a polar axis with North at the top.
- Returns:
- plt.Axes
Polar axis.
- lair.utils.plotter.format_radial_axis(ax: Axes, x: str, scale_angle: float) None [source]#
Format radial axis of polar plot.
- Parameters:
- axplt.Axes
Axis to format.
- xstr
Label of the radial axis.
- scale_anglefloat
Angle to position the label.
- Returns:
- None
- lair.utils.plotter.polarPlot(data: DataFrame, param: str = 'CH4', x: str = 'ws', wd: str = 'wd', statistic: str = 'mean', units: str = 'ppm', min_bin: int = 1, xbins: int = 30, scale_angle: float | None = None) Axes [source]#
Plot polar contour of data.
- Parameters:
- datapd.DataFrame
Data to plot.
- paramstr, optional
Parameter to plot. Defaults to ‘CH4’.
- xstr, optional
Variable to bin in the radial axis. Defaults to ‘ws’.
- wdstr, optional
Variable to bin in the angular axis. Defaults to ‘wd’.
- statisticstr, optional
Statistic to plot. Defaults to ‘mean’.
- unitsstr, optional
Units of the parameter for the colorbar label. Defaults to ‘ppm’.
- min_binint, optional
Minimum count in each bin to plot. Defaults to 1.
- xbinsint, optional
Number of bins in the radial axis. Defaults to 30.
- scale_anglefloat | None, optional
Angle to position the radial axis label. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- plt.Axes
Axis with the plot
- lair.utils.plotter.polarFreq(data: DataFrame, x: str = 'ws', wd: str = 'wd', xbins: int = 30, scale_angle: float | None = None) Axes [source]#
Plot the contoured frequency of the data.
- Parameters:
- datapd.DataFrame
Data to plot.
- xstr, optional
Variable to bin in the radial axis. Defaults to ‘ws’.
- wdstr, optional
Variable to bin in the angular axis. Defaults to ‘wd’.
- xbinsint, optional
Number of bins in the radial axis. Defaults to 30.
- scale_anglefloat | None, optional
Angle to position the radial axis label. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- plt.Axes
Axis with the plot
- lair.utils.plotter.windvectorPlot(data: DataFrame, wd: str = 'WD', ws: str = 'WS', ax: Axes | None = None, unit_length: bool = False, **kwargs) Axes [source]#
Plot wind vectors.
- Parameters:
- datapd.DataFrame
Data to plot.
- wdstr, optional
Wind direction variable. Defaults to ‘WD’.
- wsstr, optional
Wind speed variable. Defaults to ‘WS’.
- axplt.Axes | None, optional
Axis to plot on. Defaults to None.
- unit_lengthbool, optional
Normalize vectors to unit length. Defaults to False.
- **kwargs
Additional arguments to pass to plt.quiver.
- Returns:
- plt.Axes
Axis with the plot
- class lair.utils.plotter.HandlerDashedLines(marker_pad=0.3, numpoints=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Custom Handler for LineCollection instances.
There’s a potentially better version in the above link
This needs a new names and better documentation.
- create_artists(legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans)[source]#
Return the legend artists generated.
- Parameters:
- legend~matplotlib.legend.Legend
The legend for which these legend artists are being created.
- orig_handle~matplotlib.artist.Artist or similar
The object for which these legend artists are being created.
- xdescent, ydescent, width, heightint
The rectangle (xdescent, ydescent, width, height) that the legend artists being created should fit within.
- fontsizeint
The fontsize in pixels. The legend artists being created should be scaled according to the given fontsize.
- trans~matplotlib.transforms.Transform
The transform that is applied to the legend artists being created. Typically from unit coordinates in the handler box to screen coordinates.