HRRR winds at a point.
Module Attributes
HRRR Projection |
Create the s3 chunk url for a zarr id. |
Create the s3 group url for a zarr id. |
Create the s3 subgroup url for a zarr id. |
Decompress s3 chunk data. |
Generate ZarrId instance for multiple times and variables |
Get the nearest point to a given latitude and longitude. |
Get an array of values from am s3 zarr chunk. |
Retrieve object from s3. |
Class to download HRRR winds at a point. |
Class to store information about a HRRR zarr file. |
- lair.air.hrrr.PROJECTION: CRS = <Projected CRS: +proj=lcc +ellps=WGS84 +a=6371229 +b=6371229 +lon_ ...> Name: unknown Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (metre) - N[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - undefined Coordinate Operation: - name: unknown - method: Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP) Datum: unknown - Ellipsoid: unknown - Prime Meridian: Greenwich #
HRRR Projection
- class lair.air.hrrr.ZarrId(run_hour: datetime, level_type: Literal['sfc', 'prs'], var_level: str, var_name: str, model_type: Literal['anl', 'fcst'])[source]#
Class to store information about a HRRR zarr file.
(dt.datetime) run hour of the model
(‘sfc’ | ‘prs’) vertical level
(str) variable level
(str) variable name
(‘anl’ | ‘fcst’) analysis or forecast
Format chunk_id for zarr url.
- class lair.air.hrrr.Winds(lat: float, lon: float, times: list[datetime])[source]#
Class to download HRRR winds at a point.
(float) latitude of point
(float) longitude of point
(list[dt.datetime]) list of times to download
(xr.Dataset) nearest point to lat, lon
(float) chunk id of nearest point
(dict[str, list[ZarrId]]) dictionary of zarr ids with var as key
(pd.DataFrame) wind data
- lair.air.hrrr.create_s3_group_url(zarr_id: ZarrId, prefix: bool = True) str [source]#
Create the s3 group url for a zarr id.
Start of the zarr array data format
Includes metadata such as the grid
- Parameters:
- zarr_idZarrId
ZarrId instance
- prefixbool
include prefix
- Returns:
- str
s3 group url
- lair.air.hrrr.create_s3_subgroup_url(zarr_id: ZarrId, prefix: bool = True) str [source]#
Create the s3 subgroup url for a zarr id.
Where the actual data variable is stored
While subgroups are part of the zarr spec, there’s not necessarily a good reason for the data in this case to have this extra level of nesting
- Parameters:
- zarr_idZarrId
ZarrId instance
- prefixbool
include prefix
- Returns:
- str
s3 subgroup url
- lair.air.hrrr.create_s3_chunk_url(zarr_id: ZarrId, chunk_id, prefix: bool = False) str [source]#
Create the s3 chunk url for a zarr id.
Contains just the data for the chunk (no metadata)
Current APIs (zarr, xarray) don’t support reading zarr data by chunks, so we have to write relatively low-level code to load data on this level
- Parameters:
- zarr_idZarrId
ZarrId instance
- chunk_idint # TODO check this
chunk id
- prefixbool
include prefix
- Returns:
- str
s3 chunk url
- lair.air.hrrr.get_nearest_point(longitude: float, latitude: float, chunk_index: Dataset) Dataset [source]#
Get the nearest point to a given latitude and longitude.
- Parameters:
- longitudefloat
longitude of point
- latitudefloat
latitude of point
- chunk_indexxr.Dataset
chunk index dataset
- Returns:
- xr.Dataset
nearest point
- lair.air.hrrr.retrieve_object(s3, s3_url: str)[source]#
Retrieve object from s3.
- Parameters:
- s3boto3.resource
s3 resource
- s3_urlstr
s3 url
- Returns:
- bytes
compressed object data
- lair.air.hrrr.generate_zarr_ids(times: list[datetime], level_type: str, variables: list[Tuple[str, str]], model_type: Literal['anl', 'fcst'])[source]#
Generate ZarrId instance for multiple times and variables
- Parameters:
- times[dt.datetime]
list of datetime objects with hour specified [UTC]
- level_typestr
veritical level
- variables[(str, str)]
list of tuples: (var_name, var_level)
- model_typestr
‘anl’ | ‘fcst’
- Returns:
- ids[ZarrId]
dictionary of zarr ids with var as key