Meteorological calculations.
Inspired by AOS 330 at UW-Madison with Grant Petty.
It would be nice to be able to wrap these funtions with pint - however, because I input both numpy and xarray arrays, this will not work. Waiting for xarray-contrib/pint-xarray#143 For now, we will assume all inputs are in SI units.
Module Attributes
Standard Atmosphere |
Calculate the temperature from vapor pressure. |
Hyposometric equation solver. |
Ideal gas law equation solver. |
Calculate the temperature from potential temperature. |
Calculate the mixing ratio. |
Calculate the potential temperature. |
Calculate the saturation vapor pressure. |
Calculate the saturation vapor pressure over ice. |
Calculate the virtual temperature. |
- lair.air.meteorology.standard: dict[str, float] = {'T': <Quantity(288.15, 'kelvin')>, 'p': <Quantity(1013.25, 'hectopascal')>, 'rho': <Quantity(1.225, 'kilogram / meter ** 3')>, 'z': <Quantity(0, 'meter')>}#
Standard Atmosphere
- lair.air.meteorology.ideal_gas_law(solve_for, p=None, V=None, T=None, m=None, n=None, N=None, rho=None, alpha=None, R=None)[source]#
Ideal gas law equation solver. Solver attempts to solve for the specified variable using the following forms of the ideal gas law:
pV = nR*T pV = mRT pV = NkbT p = ρRT pα = RT
Input variables must be able to solve for the desired variable using the above equations without intermediate steps. All inputs must be in SI.
p : pressure (Pa) V : volume (m^3) T : temperature (K) m : mass (kg) n : moles (mol) N : number of molecules (#) ρ : density (kg/m^3) α : specific volume (m^3/kg) R : specific gas constant (J/kg/K)
Can be used to solve for pressure, volume, temperature, density, mass, moles, or number of molecules.
- lair.air.meteorology.hypsometric(Tv=None, p1=None, p2=None, Z1=None, Z2=None, deltaz=None)[source]#
Hyposometric equation solver.
Z2 - Z1 = Rd * Tv * ln(p1/p2) / g
Input variables must be able to solve for the desired variable using the above equation without intermediate steps. All inputs must be in SI.
Tv : mean virtual temperature of layer (K) p1 : pressure at bottom of layer (Pa) p2 : pressure at top of layer (Pa) Z1 : geopotential height at bottom of layer (m) Z2 : geopotential height at top of layer (m) deltaz : thickness of layer (m)
Can be used to solve for any of the variables in the equation or deltaz.
- lair.air.meteorology.virt_T(T: float, q: float) float [source]#
Calculate the virtual temperature.
- Parameters:
- Tfloat
Temperature in Kelvin.
- qfloat
Specific humidity in kg/kg.
- Returns:
- float
Virtual temperature in Kelvin.
- lair.air.meteorology.poisson(T: float, p: float, p0: float = 100000.0) float [source]#
Calculate the potential temperature. (Poission’s equation)
- Parameters:
- Tfloat
Temperature in Kelvin.
- pfloat
Pressure in Pascals.
- p0float, optional
Reference pressure in Pascals. Default is 1000 hPa.
- Returns:
- float
Potential temperature in Kelvin.
- lair.air.meteorology.inv_poisson(p: float, theta: float, p0: float = 100000.0) float [source]#
Calculate the temperature from potential temperature. (Inverse Poission’s equation)
- Parameters:
- pfloat
Pressure in Pascals.
- thetafloat
Potential temperature in Kelvin.
- p0float, optional
Reference pressure in Pascals. Default is 1000 hPa.
- Returns:
- float
Temperature in Kelvin.
- lair.air.meteorology.sat_vapor_pres(T: float) float [source]#
Calculate the saturation vapor pressure.
- Parameters:
- Tfloat
Temperature in Kelvin.
- Returns:
- float
Saturation vapor pressure in Pascals.
- lair.air.meteorology.sat_vapor_pres_ice(T: float) float [source]#
Calculate the saturation vapor pressure over ice.
- Parameters:
- Tfloat
Temperature in Kelvin.
- Returns:
- float
Saturation vapor pressure over ice in Pascals.