Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (STILT) Model.
Estimate basin emissions using Lin et al. 2021 method. |
Extract simulation id from simulation name |
Fix sim symlinks if stilt wd was changed |
Initialize STILT project |
Footprints class for STILT simulations. |
Receptors class for STILT simulations. |
STILT class for running STILT simulations. |
- lair.air.stilt.init_project(project, repo='', branch='main')[source]#
Initialize STILT project
Python implementation of Rscript -e “uataq::stilt_init(‘project’)”
- Parameters:
- projectstr
Name/path of STILT project.
- repostr, optional
URL of STILT project repo. The default is jmineau/stilt.
- branchstr, optional
Branch of STILT project repo. The default is main.
- lair.air.stilt.extract_simulation_id(simulation)[source]#
Extract simulation id from simulation name
- Parameters:
- simulationstr
Name of simulation.
- Returns:
- sim_iddict
Dictionary with keys: time, lati, long, zagl.
- lair.air.stilt.fix_sim_links(old_out_dir, new_out_dir)[source]#
Fix sim symlinks if stilt wd was changed
- Parameters:
- old_out_dirstr
old out directory where symlinks currently point to and shouldnt.
- new_out_dirstr
new out directory where symlinks should point to.
- Returns:
- None.
- class lair.air.stilt.Receptors(loc, times)[source]#
Receptors class for STILT simulations.
- class lair.air.stilt.Footprints(footprint_dir: str, subset: list | bool = False, engine: str = 'rasterio', cache: str | bool = False, reload_cache: bool = False)[source]#
Footprints class for STILT simulations.
(str) Directory containing footprint files.
(list[str]) List of footprint files.
(bool | str) Whether to cache the footprints. If True, path to cache file.
(xarray.Dataset) Footprints dataset.
- __init__(footprint_dir: str, subset: list | bool = False, engine: str = 'rasterio', cache: str | bool = False, reload_cache: bool = False)[source]#
- read(footprint_dir: str, subset: bool | list, engine: str)[source]#
Read footprints from footprint_dir.
- Parameters:
- footprint_dirstr
Directory containing footprint.
- subsetlist | bool
Bounds to subset the footprints. If False, no subsetting.
- enginestr
Engine to use to read the footprints.
- Returns:
- footsxarray.Dataset
Footprints dataset.
- sub(subset: list[float])[source]#
Subset the footprints.
- Parameters:
- subsetlist[float]
Bounds to subset the footprints.
- Returns:
- xr.Dataset
The subsetted footprints.
- get_receptors_locs()[source]#
Get the locations of the receptors.
- Returns:
- list[dict]
list of dictionaries containing the locations of the receptors.
- property area: DataArray#
Calculate the area of the footprints grid.
- Returns:
- xr.DataArray
Area of the footprints grid.
- apply_weights() Dataset [source]#
Apply cosine weights to the footprints.
- Returns:
- xr.Dataset
Footprints with cosine weights applied.
- static get_files(footprint_dir) list[str] [source]#
Get footprint files in footprint dir.
- Parameters:
- footprint_dirstr
Directory containing footprint files.
- Returns:
- list[str]
List of footprint files.
- static plot(foot: DataArray, ax: plt.Axes | None = None, crs: ccrs.CRS | None = None, label_deci: int = 1, tiler=None, tiler_zoom: int = 9, bounds=None, x_buff: float = 0.1, y_buff: float = 0.1, labelsize: int | None = None, more_lon_ticks: int = 0, more_lat_ticks: int = 0) plt.Axes [source]#
Plot footprints on cartopy axes.
- Parameters:
- footxr.DataArray
Footprints to plot.
- axplt.Axes, optional
Cartopy axes, by default None
- crsccrs.CRS , optional
Cartopy CRS, by default None
- label_deciint, optional
Log 10 decimals, by default 1
Tiler to use for background map, by default None
- tiler_zoomint, optional
Zoom level of tiler, by default 9
- boundslist[float], optional
Bounds to plot, by default None
- x_bufffloat, optional
x buffer, by default 0.1
- y_bufffloat, optional
y buffer, by default 0.1
- labelsizeint | None, optional
Label size, by default None
- more_lon_ticksint, optional
Number of additional longitude ticks, by default 0
- more_lat_ticksint, optional
Number of additional latitude ticks, by default 0
- Returns:
- plt.Axes
Cartopy axes.
- class lair.air.stilt.STILT(project: str, directory: str | None = None, symlink_dir: str | None = None)[source]#
STILT class for running STILT simulations.
I don’t think this is ready…
(str) Name of STILT project.
(str) Working directory of STILT project.
(Receptors) Receptors instance.
generate_receptors(loc, times)
Generate receptors.
Get simulations.
get_missing_sims(receptors, id_dir)
Get missing simulations.
read_footprints(footprint_dir, subset, engine, cache, reload_cache)
Read footprints.
get_foots(footprint_dir, subset, engine, cache, reload_cache)
Get footprints.
- __init__(project: str, directory: str | None = None, symlink_dir: str | None = None)[source]#
Initialize STILT project.
- Parameters:
- projectstr
Name of STILT project.
- directorystr, optional
Directory to initialize project in, by default None
- symlink_dirstr, optional
Directory to create symlink to STILT project, by default None
- get_sims(id_dir: str | None = None) DataFrame [source]#
Get simulations from STILT output directory.
- Parameters:
- id_dirstr, optional
Directory containing simulations, by default None
- Returns:
- pd.DataFrame
- get_missing_sims(receptors: DataFrame, id_dir=None)[source]#
Get missing simulations from STILT output directory.
- Parameters:
- receptorspd.DataFrame
Receptors used to generate simulations.
- id_dirstr, optional
Directory containing simulations, by default None
- Returns:
- pd.DataFrame
Missing simulations.
- read_footprints(footprint_dir: str | None = None, subset: bool | list = False, engine: str = 'rasterio', cache: bool | str = False, reload_cache: bool = False) Footprints [source]#
- Parameters:
- footprint_dirstr, optional
Directory containing footprint files, by default None
- subsetbool | list, optional
Bounds to subset the footprints, by default False
- enginestr, optional
Engine to use to read the footprints, by default ‘rasterio’
- cachebool | str, optional
Whether to cache the footprints. If True, path to cache file, by default False
- reload_cachebool, optional
Whether to reload the cache, by default False
- Returns:
- Footprints
Footprints instance.
- get_foots(footprint_dir: str | None = None, subset: bool | list = False, engine: str = 'rasterio', cache: bool | str = False, reload_cache: bool = False) DataArray [source]#
Get footprints from STILT output directory.
- Parameters:
- footprint_dirstr | None, optional
Directory containing footprint files, by default None.
- subsetbool | list, optional
Bounds to subset the footprints, by default False.
- enginestr, optional
Engine to use to read the footprints, by default ‘rasterio’.
- cachebool | str, optional
Whether to cache the footprints. If True, path to cache file, by default False.
- reload_cachebool, optional
Whether to reload the cache, by default False.
- Returns
- ——-
- xr.DataArray
- lair.air.stilt.Lin2021(dCH4: Series, footprints: Footprints, weight: bool = False, filter_sims: bool = False) DataFrame [source]#
Estimate basin emissions using Lin et al. 2021 method.
Following this logic, we estimate the Basin-averaged CH4 emissions Φ by dividing the CH4 enhancement measured at HPL by the total footprint integrating over all gridcells i within the Uinta Basin (defined as between 39.9N to 40.5N and 110.6W to 109W), where Φ at daily timescales was determined by dividing the ∆CH4 averaged over the afternoon (13:00–16:00 MST) by the total footprint averaged over the same hours.
- Parameters:
- dCH4pd.Series
Time series of CH4 enhancements.
- footprintsFootprints
Footprints instance.
- weightbool, optional
Whether to weight the footprints by area, by default False
- filter_simsbool, optional
Whether to filter simulations, by default False.
- Returns:
- pd.DataFrame
Estimated emissions